Free Download , by Patrick O'Brian
Free Download , by Patrick O'Brian
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, by Patrick O'Brian

Free Download , by Patrick O'Brian
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 980 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 292 Seiten
Verlag: HarperCollins; Auflage: New Ed (19. Dezember 2011)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
ASIN: B006FH2W76
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.7 von 5 Sternen
29 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#47.824 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Serie of 21 stories, with special back cover. Serie makes a fine display on a bookshelf. Great books to have!
Diese Buch ist einandere den Aubrey Maturin Series. Was mehr kann Man sagen?Und ein andere sieben Worter die arm Amazon System wollt
Appreciation of novels -- like music, movies, and just about every thing else -- is ultimately a subjective experience. I have loved the Jack Aubrey-Stephen Maturin novels for many years, reading (and re-reading) each new entry in the series with interest. "Blue at the Mizzen" may possibly be the last novel in the series, if what Patrick O'Brian said a few years ago is true. I hope that is not the case but if it is, then "Blue at the Mizzen" would serve well enough as the end. I won't spoil the plot for anyone, but I will say that it advances the stories of the two central characters to new levels. I don't claim that "Blue at the Mizzen" is the finest book in the series, but I found it solidly satisfying, with a good number of the typical small scenes of delight which characterize the O'Brian novels. If there is little music in this book compared to previous novels in the series, there is compensation to be found in the revival of Stephen Maturin's spirits after the sorrowful events of "The Hundred Days." A new character of considerable charm and appeal makes an appearance amidst the expected familiar faces. I don't know whether I would recommend "Blue at the Mizzen" to someone not familiar with the Aubrey-Maturin books (those people I tell to start at the beginning with "Master and Commander"), but I do think that any fan of the series -- even those disappointed with the gloomy atmosphere "The Hundred Days" -- will enjoy this new book.
I don't know whether I would recommend "Blue at the Mizzen" to someone unfamiliar with Patrick O'Brian's excellent series of nautical novels about Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin because, I believe, much of the pleasure to be derived in reading the book comes from our acquaintance with the main characters from previous novels. But I would have no hesititation at all at recommending it to any Aubrey-Maturin fan. A significant number of readers (not including me) of the previous book in the series, "The Hundred Days", were disappointed in the somber tone of that novel -- an atmosphere fully justified, in my opinion, by the central subject matter. Those readers need not fear a repetition in "Blue at the Mizzen." Stephen Maturin has recovered his interest in the natural world and is once again a fully engaged participant in the events around him. It has been said that this novel might be the final volume in the series (I hope not) but if it is, then the series will end on a high note. The book is full of typical O'Brian touches of elegantly described scenes and subtle characterizations. If it is not quite the equal of "Post Captain" or "Desolation Island" (but what is?) there is still much in "Blue at the Mizzen" to make longtime fans of the series smile with satisfaction. And if it is not the final volume, then I shall look forward with great pleasure to the next book.
Unless there is an unpublished manuscript hidden away somewhere, this is the last book written by Patrick O'Brian who passed away in early January, and fittingly the last of the saga of Jack Aubrey. While the early books in the Jack Aubrey series were quite good, the quality deteriorated in the later books, and the author lost all sense of time, trying to cram 15 years of activity (with corresponding aging of characters) into a three year period from 1812-1815. I skipped many of the later books. The present tale would have been quite good by itself, but the author rambles and digresses excessively. He also seems to change location in the middle of sentences, and skips forward leaving the reader wondering what happened in the intervening time interval. The book is OK for those fans who want the final episode on Jack Aubrey, but is not exactly a book which holds your attention.
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