PDF-Bücher World Radio TV Handbook 2014
PDF-Bücher World Radio TV Handbook 2014
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World Radio TV Handbook 2014

PDF-Bücher World Radio TV Handbook 2014
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"WRT Handbook consistently sets the radio hobby standards. It remains the best, most authoritative and comprehensive radio reference book in the world" (Gayle Van Horn, Monitoring Times)"
Taschenbuch: 672 Seiten
Verlag: Wrth Publications; Auflage: 2014 ed. (12. Dezember 2013)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0955548160
ISBN-13: 978-0955548161
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14,6 x 3,2 x 22,2 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.5 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 531.628 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Für Interessenten am weltweiten Rundfunk dürfte dieses Buch zur Pflichtlektüre gehören. Fast alle Rundfunk- und Fernsehsender sind in diesem Buch mit Frequenzen und zum Großteil Sendezeiten aufgeführt. Ein gezieltes Hören bestimmter Sender ist somit möglich. Es ist erstaunlich was auf der lange totgesagten Kurzwelle noch zu hören ist! Einige aktuellen Empfänger werden getestet. In einer kleinen Tabelle kann man sich einen Überblick über die Qualitäten einiger ausgewählter Modelle informieren.
World radio tv handbook 2014Wichtiges KompendiumDas WRTH ist das ausführlichste Buch über weltweite Sender, auch Fernsehsender. Das Buch muss aus Englisch geschrieben sein, weil nur auf der ganzen Welt genügend Kundschaft vorhanden ist.
Count me as a casual shortwave hobbyist who regards WRTH as an essential reference with useful reviews. My 2014 edition, "Printed and bound in the UK by CPI William Clowes, Beccles NR34 7TL", is poorly printed and bound. Mis-alignment of text and graphics is especially prominent on the glossy color pages (1-64). Many adjacent pages in this first section are still uncut and bound to each other at their upper borders. The content organized by Publisher Nicholas Hardyman and provided by so many enthusiastic contributors deserves better than this.A complementary publication, Passport to Word Band Radio, ceased shortly after I moved to Japan. Now, my companion to WRTH is a book called 周波数帳 that is published periodically, but not as often as WRTH. It has a more comprehensive listing of Japanese stations, as one might expect.Here's hoping Mr. Hardyman and colleagues hold CPI William Clowes' feet to the fire so they can do a better job of printing and binding next year. I'll be as eager as ever to get WRTH 2015.
My first WRTH was ordered from Holland fifty-one years ago - I had just started HS. Yep, I've been a SWL for a while - I still have most of the intervening years WRTHs. This one was nearly as exciting to open up - despite the many international broadcasters who have disappeared from the SW bands recently. This annual has it's share of equipment reviews - including SDRs - 'computer-radios'. If you have an inkling that you might be interested in international - and some national - short wave broadcasting, you need this book - but please insist on the 2014 edition!
This book is both volumnous and extremely rich in information... almost too much to take in. The only downside is that in North America, SW broadcasts to this region are becoming fewer and fewer. So once I weed out the sites that broadcast religious content, what is left is approximately 50% to 30% of what was listed in total. We're pretty much a dead zone in North America from 08:00 to 11:00 MST (15:00 to 18:00 UTM).I cross reference mine using a highliter and page markers to show both countries broadcasting in my region in English, and the overall English language broadcasts for each hour through the day.This is the first time I've purchased this book and am extremely pleased with it. I fully understand why other folks have recommended it so highly.
PROS:1) A good book to have if you travel, and frequently visit larger metropolis style cities or areas. (ie. Truck driver, Press, News, ...)2) The section most users will want, is the smaller section far near to the rear of this book, listing stations and broadcasts by hour. In other words, unless you're extremely rural and have no other means of hearing news broadcasts (ie. FM, TV, Internet, ...) and are not going to be sitting down for regular specific routine 30 or 60 minute periods of time (ie. You're daily/nightly news hour), then you'll be listening to shortwave broadcasts at random times. The other exception, are those foreigners wanting to listen to routine news of their home Country.3) Contains addresses and contact information of almost all major stations and broadcasters, world wide. (ie. Good for when you're wanting to blackmail the wife or kids?)4) There are a few minimal pages of advertisements, but I found they were all in pretty much good taste, and more informative for readers wanting to learn what popular listening devices are commonly utilized nowadays.5) Mentions each stations sign-on and sign-off signal or statement. (ie. Japan's NHK famous tone, or the other stating "This is the Voice of ...", ...) Very useful and essential to confirm, or cross reference; and verify the station being listened too.CONS:1) Some columns contain only two or three letter abbreviations, for which are difficult to comprehend. Even though the columns within the book has seemingly more than adequate space for greater than five to ten characters!2) Abbreviation index(es) is/are difficult to find, but usually is found within the forward or rear of the smaller smaller listings.3) Completely omits almost all Alaska public FM/AM broadcasts or stations. (But from the example published, does make mention of Alaska's shortwave transmitters around Anchorage.) One would also think Canada would still have quite a few shortwave stations due to the large rural areas, but there are only a few listed. And the more remote (ie. Yukon territory), the fewer and the far less broadcasting power used!4) As of yet, no digital versions of this hefty book. (ie. PDF or Postscript.) Travellers will not enjoy carrying such larger items! Nevertheless, I'll pack it for my road trips. There is a bar graph CD/DVD, but I'm not privy of it's informative value as of yet.
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